Major Grant Proposal Requirements and Guidelines 2022
Thank you for inquiring about a major grant from the Oak Grove School Foundation. Major grant proposals are reviewed by the Grants Committee of the Foundation and approved by the Foundation Board. The primary focus of the Major Grants Program is to serve the educational and cultural needs of secondary students in central Maine.
Most funding decisions will be made in May of each year. Grant requests MUST be submitted by April 1st, 2022. Your organization will receive the Foundation’s decision within three months of this deadline.
For your proposal to be considered, the following information is requested:
A. Project description of no more than three pages that explains:
a) the need for funding
b) the goals and objectives of your project
c) the impact it will have on the educational and cultural development of children in central Maine.
B. Project budget that includes all anticipated expenses for this project.
C. 15 copies of all the required enclosures.
IMPORTANT: a final report not to exceed two pages must be submitted by April of the following year. If the project is not completed by that date, please submit a progress report. Consideration of subsequent grant requests depends upon submission of this report.
- The recipients of grants must be educational, charitable or religious organizations.
- Grants are not given to individuals.
- Grants will be given only to organizations that are tax-exempt under Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.
- Priority will be given to grants that are for children of high school age. Grants for middle and elementary school age children will receive consideration.
- Organizations may submit additional requests for funding for a particular project for a total of three years. If your project is of a long-term nature, please explain in the project description your plans for financial support at the end of the grant period.
- In recent years, grants have generally ranged from $500 to $5,000.